Prophets, Wizards & The Quest to Value Nature

Viewpoints In The Landscape

Episode Summary

So how can we value nature in our food system hands-on? And what are the social contexts in play? We catch up with Dr Lee-Ann Sutherland - Dir. of the James Hutton Institute's International Land Use Study Center, Cristóbal Reina- olive farmer + hunting society president and Bertrand Frézel - Peasant Farmers' Union Rep, to continue our quest... Episode show notes:

Episode Notes

So how can we value nature in our food system hands-on? And what are the social contexts in play? We catch up with Dr Lee-Ann Sutherland - Dir. of the James Hutton Institute's International Land Use Study Center, Cristóbal Reina- olive farmer + hunting society president and Bertrand Frézel - Peasant Farmers' Union Rep, to continue our quest... Episode show notes: